lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


The equipment for doing this therapy is more than the horse, the patient and the therapy. Fistful you need specialized horses. The best breed of horses to do this therapy is Quarter Horse because they have a big loin. Another characteristic that need to have the horse is that is most be very calm and noble. Second, they’re in not only one therapist. There most be doctors, proctors, physiotherapists, physiologists, teachers, etc. For ridding the horse the kid neeIs very important to always have the best security. Almost all the kids that make this therapy are kids with incapability, so they don’t have a good control of their body, and you are never free of an accident they can have. Also they are persons that need to be in care of the horses such as veterinarians, caregivers, and black smith. Here is when this therapy begging to be expensive. Also you need to have medicine for the horses. You need, if is possible a space of about 40 meters long and about 30 meters wide. The idea is that this track is in sand, but if it’s no possible there is not problems to do it in grass.

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